5 Ways a Dental Checkup Can Improve Your Oral Health


Brunette woman at Troy Bartels, DDS in Jonesboro for an biannual dental checkup to improve her oral health


According to the American Dental Association, you should be going to the dentist for regular checkups every six months. In this blog post, we’ll explain five ways in which a dental checkup at Troy Bartels, DDS can improve your oral health.

  • Receive a Thorough Cleaning

No matter how consistent you are with brushing and flossing your teeth at home, the deep clean you get at a dental checkup is necessary to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape. This is because our specially-trained dental hygienists use professional tools to clean and polish your teeth and remove plaque and tartar with a precision that surpasses even the best electric toothbrush.

  • Detection of Dental Health Issues

At a dental checkup, we check for signs of any dental health issues, such as decay, gum disease, malnutrition, infection, and oral cancer. Early detection means a better chance of treating the issue before it gets worse!

  • Improve Fluoride Deficiency

Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral that helps to remineralize and strengthen your teeth. Most people are exposed to sufficient fluoride by brushing with fluoridated toothpaste, rinsing with a fluoridated mouthwash, and drinking fluoridated tap water. However, some patients benefit from fluoride supplements or fluoride treatments. At the dentist, you can get a fluoride varnish applied to weak spots that are showing signs of demineralization.

  • Get a Special Look at Your Mouth with X-Rays

At Troy Bartels, DDS, we utilize digital X-rays, which are safer and more efficient than traditional X-rays. X-ray imaging helps us diagnose disease and tailor treatment to your unique dental needs. With this up-close look at your teeth, we can detect tooth decay, examine the health of your tooth roots, evaluate teeth that haven’t erupted yet, and more!

  • The Perfect Time to Ask Dental-Related Questions

During your dental checkup, you can ask our expert team any dental-related questions pressing on your mind. Do you need oral hygiene tips, a custom mouthguard, help deciding between veneers and teeth whitening, or information about sleep apnea treatment? Are you worried about your bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, dental anxiety, jaw pain, bad breath, or mouth dryness? Whatever it is, ask us your questions and share what’s bothering you. We’re here to help!

Schedule Your Next Dental Checkup Today!

Has it been six months since your last dental checkup? Contact us to schedule your next visit to Troy Bartels, DDS.

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