Dental Implants

Do missing teeth leave you missing out on the things you enjoy, like smiling and talking with confidence or eating your favorite foods? With the help of implant dentistry, you can restore your smile to full function and beauty! Dental implants look natural, feel comfortable, and are just as strong as your natural teeth, so you don’t have to avoid certain foods. You can go back to living a full life and smiling your way through your days!

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Restore ability to speak and eat with ease
  • Stop other teeth from shifting into the space left by a missing tooth
  • Prevent cheeks from sagging
  • Look and feel like natural teeth
  • Last a lifetime with proper care

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graphic of dental implant being placed in lower jaw

What Are Dental Implants?

Patients who are missing one tooth or many teeth can all benefit from dental implants. A dental implant consists of a small titanium screw and post, which we surgically place into the jaw bone. The titanium fuses with the bone over the course of a few months, leaving behind a solid “root” to replace your natural tooth root. Once the implant has fused, we top it with a restoration – a crown, bridge, or denture, depending on your needs – and your smile is complete once again!

We are pleased to be able to provide start-to-finish tooth implant services in our Jonesboro dental office. You won’t be referred out to a specialist or need to make appointments at other offices. The team you’ve come to know will be the one helping you to reclaim your beautiful smile.

Who Is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Anyone missing one or more teeth could be a great candidate for dental implants – even patients with medical conditions. The best way to find out if they’re right for you is to come in for a consultation. We’ll take a look at your teeth, analyze your jaw bone, and make sure that your mouth is in good enough shape to support the implants.

At your consultation, we will also discuss the best restoration for your needs and lifestyle. Dental crowns are great for single-tooth replacements. A bridge is also an excellent single-tooth option, but we can also use them for patients missing a couple of teeth in a row. Patients missing most or all teeth may benefit most from implant-supported dentures. Rest assured, though, that no matter your situation or needs, we can help you get a beautiful, full smile once again!

Call to schedule your dental implants consultation and regain your healthy smile!

elderly couple with dental implants smiling

graphic of dental implant stages

How Painful Are Dental Implants?

Most people who receive dental implants report little pain thanks to the use of modern sedation techniques and at-home instructions. While there may be some discomfort and bruising after the initial surgery, this generally only lasts for a short period of time. Most patients are able to return to work and their daily lifestyle within 1-3 days


What Do Dental Implants Cost?

The cost for dental implants has to be considered based upon how long a dental implant will last compared to a crown or other restoration. When you are considering a dental implant it means that you are either missing a tooth or that the tooth in question has a poor long-term prognosis and needs dental treatment. Thus, when you consider the cost of a root canal, possible post, and a crown vs. the cost of a dental implant and a dental implant crown, the fees are similar.  However, the implant is a better long term solution as dental implants can’t get decay and they can last for decades. Compare this to a tooth with a root canal, post and crown, where a root canal or post can unfortunately fail, as can a dental crown. Thus, a dental implant is a long-term investment for your teeth. It’s also key to note that many dental insurance plans do pay for part of the dental implant and the implant crown, making getting a dental implant even more affordable.

Are Dental Implants Permanent?

Dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution for missing teeth. Unlike dental bridges, which eventually wear down and require replacement after 5-7 years, tooth implants can last over 25 years. However, factors that can shorten the lifespan of an implant are preexisting health conditions, trauma to the mouth, or not properly caring for the tooth replacement.

How Do I Care For My Dental Implants?

Caring for your dental implants is very similar to caring for your natural teeth. You should brush and floss twice a day, and make sure to thoroughly clean all sides of your dental implant. On top of your daily care, we also encourage you to visit us every six months for a professional exam, cleaning, and X-ray, so we can make sure your implants are in tip-top shape.

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